Around one-third of Tarneit residents were born in India, fostering a deep cultural connection within the community. I have the ongoing privilege of learning more about and appreciating the Indian community's vibrant culture, customs, and values. Participating in the vibrant cultural festivals of Diwali, Holi, and Vaisakhi alongside the Indian community in Tarneit is something I look forward to each year, as they not only showcase our wonderful diversity but also serve as a reminder of the importance of cultural traditions and unity.
To further strengthen the bond between Victoria and India, I had the pleasure of visiting India in February this year to explore further avenues for collaboration to continue to grow our communities.
Trade between India and Victoria is an important element of both countries' economies. Victoria is India's largest trading partner, with two-way merchandise trade reaching $ 20.6 billion in 2019-20. Our goal, to forge stronger ties between Victoria and India, was furthered as we deepened our understanding of our shared values and interests and spoke to promote further economic collaboration.
Our visit to India allowed Victoria to engage in further productive discussions and build further positive connections. By nurturing these relationships and seizing new opportunities, we can continue to build a prosperous future for both Victoria and India.
In Tarneit roads are managed by either the Wyndham City Council or by the Department of Transport and Planning. Our funding for road maintenance has remained steady, having invested almost $7 billion over the past 10 years to maintain and strengthen roads.
The Allan Labor Government is continuing to deliver for Melbourne’s west with two new train stations and planning upgrades for a third – improving safety, accessibility and better connecting locals for years to come.