
July 4, 2023

The Victorian Government is taking strong and lasting action to reach it’s renewable energy target of 95% by 2035. Projects like Solar Victoria, bringing back the SEC and Neighbourhood Batteries are helping to ensure communities, businesses and institutions are better prepared to deal with the impacts of climate change.

Solar Victoria is helping locals save on their energy bills while building a cleaner future by providing financial support including rebates for: Hot water systems, solar battery installation, zero emission vehicles and solar panels on homes, rentals and businesses.

Currently over 200,000 Victorians have applied for a rebate to switch to solar, saving them over $1,000 every year on their energy bills.

The Victorian Government is also putting power back in the hands of Victorians by bringing back the State Electricity Commission (SEC). The government owned SEC will accelerate the renewable energy transition, pushing more renewable energy into the system, driving down emissions and power bills, and generating thousands of jobs.

The SEC will do this by:

  • Being an active energy market participant, working with industry to invest in and speed up the delivery of renewable energy.
  • Pushing more renewable energy into the system, reducing wholesale prices.
  • Working with industry to create thousands of jobs in renewable energy – in solar, wind, storage and emerging energy solutions.
  • Investing in training, skills, and generating the renewable energy workforce of the future.

Neighbourhood Batteries, like the one recently installed in Tarneit are an energy storage model designed to benefit the consumers, communities and electricity system. They are larger than typical household solar batteries with more than 10x the power capacity.

Neighbourhood batteries enable the network to support more rooftop solar by storing solar-generated electricity during the day and discharging it during the evenings when demand is highest. This enables consumers to generate and consume more renewable energy locally and supports Victoria’s greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energy targets.

Projects like these ones help support our local community as well as helping us tackle climate change.

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